$2y$10$Po8/mzn3pGU20/GeRG2vN.ACkOVmDHizQJjw3G4X8dqPFW/FDVHAy Natalia Buchynska celebrating a birthday and tells of memories from childhood

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Natalia Buchynska celebrating a birthday and tells of memories from childhood

She is always in the spotlight, she does people's loved Ukrainian music, people sing her songs and in the streets, in schools, in universities and festivals.

On the eve of the birth of Natalia Buchynska of the weekly "EPG" traveled to Lviv and Ternopil - city of his youth. It turned out that the singer lived in a house right next door to the theater Zankovetska in. Natalia childhood was intertwined with music. Singer was walking in the yard, visited the apartment where she lived after the birth in.